
Showing posts from May, 2013

A clever conman from Down-Under

I would personally like to applaud Mr AJ Miller or as he Likes to be called "Jesus" and his wife Mary, for convincing those would listen to his very well told stories, I am sure that the poet Homer would be most impressed at his Spiel. That he is indeed Christ....good see that a silver tongue can still produce silver, in fact his is cranking out Gold and Platinum. I would post a question to this man if he is indeed Christ, if he has indeed made resurrections in the past as he made claim to....there was recently a man in England cut down by two men (who if they were to follow your act could claim to have been possessed by demons at the time), this man as I sure you are well aware was an innocent, good man. I do not ask proof of your abilities but I am sure that if you were able to resurrect this gentleman.....your stories would actually have some solid factual footing, because currently like most of the Bible they are very told Myths and nothing more. If this act is too mu

The search for Divinity

For many years now we as human kind have been searching for "The Divine Light", some heavenly body or being to guide us. Many place their faith that this exists and that it is an External Force, something which we have little to no control over. We do this because it is what our religious leaders want us to believe, because it maintains their power over our system of belief and therefore US, as man will believe in anything that we believe will  take us to a better place when we die.  The origins of the word church, were defined as a group of people gathering together in a space to worship a "Divine Entity".  I personally feel that this energy that we feel when we are gathered together is not brought about by an External Force, but rather an Internal Force.  It is a connection of people and the positive energy that lies in us all. This "Divine Light" is not divine at all but very much a spiritual connection between us all. We are the light