
Showing posts from August, 2015

Wind Power...Great Idea but is it being done as effectively as it could be?

The other day I was sitting out side thinking as I tend to, thinking about a variety of things as I like to call it "Thinking about Everything at yet at the same time Nothing".  When the thought of renewable energy entered in to my mind, and something that a friend of mine mentioned in a recent discussion. About the current state of the planet's energy resources, with me arguing that the world backing away from Nuclear power because of what happened in Japan, was insane.  Considering where Japan is located and that its a country that is at the forefront of building earthquake proof buildings. Also that its the country that gave us the word "Tsunami", meaning - big-fuck-off-destructive-wall-of-water, so where is the logic behind countries now turning away from Nuclear power? It's the same logic, as one cameraman who films money shots for pornographic videos, (this guy would be Japan) and another who films everything on green screen for CGI

29 and still not done thinking....

As I sit here on this night, once again my friends I have felt the compulsion to sit down and write my thoughts.  As the title suggests not 10 minutes ago the clock struck midnight here in Europe, at that I also struck another minor mile stone along lives road, another mile marker on the road that is my life. Yes that is right as of that moment I became yet one more year older moving from twenty eight on to twenty nine. It is at these moments, when this Gentleman Traveller finds himself deep in thought.  Thoughts that to anyone else, including this sometimes out spoken and not so humble Traveller are a maze enshrouded in a perplex fog, a fog which the mind has created and a maze that is ever changing. With no clear path through which can be clearly discovered, however there is a path but it is not on the road most is hidden for it is the path that few people will ever want to travel...the road lest travelled.  This road is the lest travelled because it