
Showing posts from 2015

Wind Power...Great Idea but is it being done as effectively as it could be?

The other day I was sitting out side thinking as I tend to, thinking about a variety of things as I like to call it "Thinking about Everything at yet at the same time Nothing".  When the thought of renewable energy entered in to my mind, and something that a friend of mine mentioned in a recent discussion. About the current state of the planet's energy resources, with me arguing that the world backing away from Nuclear power because of what happened in Japan, was insane.  Considering where Japan is located and that its a country that is at the forefront of building earthquake proof buildings. Also that its the country that gave us the word "Tsunami", meaning - big-fuck-off-destructive-wall-of-water, so where is the logic behind countries now turning away from Nuclear power? It's the same logic, as one cameraman who films money shots for pornographic videos, (this guy would be Japan) and another who films everything on green screen for CGI

29 and still not done thinking....

As I sit here on this night, once again my friends I have felt the compulsion to sit down and write my thoughts.  As the title suggests not 10 minutes ago the clock struck midnight here in Europe, at that I also struck another minor mile stone along lives road, another mile marker on the road that is my life. Yes that is right as of that moment I became yet one more year older moving from twenty eight on to twenty nine. It is at these moments, when this Gentleman Traveller finds himself deep in thought.  Thoughts that to anyone else, including this sometimes out spoken and not so humble Traveller are a maze enshrouded in a perplex fog, a fog which the mind has created and a maze that is ever changing. With no clear path through which can be clearly discovered, however there is a path but it is not on the road most is hidden for it is the path that few people will ever want to travel...the road lest travelled.  This road is the lest travelled because it

Peugeot 308 The European Car of Year 2014....or is it? An honest review

For those of you who have read any of my prior blogs you would be more than likely be convinced that this Gentleman Traveller, has no other interest than upsetting the status quo and leaving different messages to the world.  However you would be vastly wrong, I happen to have several loves and passions one of which are cars and yes I am a fan of what Top Gear was BCE (Before Chris Evans). Yes incase you hadn't already gathered I am a loyal follower of the work of Jeremy Clarkson.  So on to the Peugeot 308 the hatch back which won the European Car of the Year Award for 2014...which lets face it basically basically makes it the World Car of the Year for 2014.  Now I rented this car on a recent return home to England to drive it for the weekend to go to a friends Birthday in the middle of the Cotswolds. This for me is the perfect place to do a good old fashioned road test. Because if a car can handle those roads, and give the driver what is required in terms of feed back e

Loneliness something to be feared or embraced

Many of us this Gentleman included are terrified of being left without a significant other. However this fear can drive us to align our selves to those that can be detrimental to us. Having been unattached for the past ten years or so I have lived as an observer. Many times the term "third wheel" has been attached to this out spoken observer. What I have learned from being alone is very simple first of all jealousy very quickly sets in and is hard to combat. The question that this traveller seeks to set out is this...Is it better to go through live going from relationship to relationship, or is it better to learn how to live with oneself first? The very reason why I have chosen to pose this question is that I am sure many of you have seen, close and dear friends and family members go through relationships which have been unhealthy for them. The desire for a close emotional and physical relationship can at times be overwhelming, leading us to become over involved in the

Time for something a little less serious.....Vote Blue and don't the Country go BALLS and Band UP

Recently I was informed by a good friend that this blog was full of dark, sad and perhaps quite aggressive writings....I would have to agree with him even though he is for his sins, a pasty Irish man with a floppy hair cut and a penchant for large women and tight wearing bicycle gear....he does however make sense every once in a harvest moon (Luck of the Irish then). So it got me thinking having recently watch a brilliant piece of humour done by two very talented fellows on a Norwegian TV channel. That it was perhaps the funniest thing I have seen in quite sometime....since the last episode of Top Gear that is BGCF (Before Clarkson Got Fired) buy the communist, Labour Party supporting Television station that likes to soak up our TV license Fees. In case you hadn't noticed its an Election fact its now more like an election fortnight. So this blue blooded Tory Traveller has decided to namely to mock his fellow countrymen, and why not if there is one race on this planet