Where does the world go next?

When writing this I looked what is currently going on in the world, the good, the bad and the ugly. This is going to cover a variety of areas that are current, and areas that in this authors opinion we should be very careful about how we proceed with. 

Technology & Sciences

I start with this area as it is one that interests me greatly, as it should be of interest to us all. 

The advancements that the human race has made in the past century in these two fields has been amazing there are no other words for it. 

But seeing how today it is my belief that we should still push to advance these areas, however when food is no longer coming from nature and instead it comes from the laboratory....this I think we should be raising major question marks about. 

Food Grown in a Test-tube 

Can I see uses for the ability to generate food in such a manor? Yes I can indeed it will come into use when man seeks to head into outer space to explore worlds beyond this one, for Astronauts on the international space station, for those scientists who spend their time out in frozen wastelands and for those who live in highly remote areas where it is difficult to get supplies in. 

In these rather extreme situations I thoroughly agree that "Test tube food" has a place. But not in the commercial market, I feel that there is too much risk involved with such food items, and the potential for these to be corrupted and have the "Fast Food treatment" where we the consumer generally have no idea of what we are putting into our bodies. Not that have much of an idea now looking at recent times. 

Look at how GM crops are already showing to produce the equivalent of colon cancer in bees (B.Amos,2011). These crops should have never been allowed to have been planted in the first place. Our natural ecology is a very delicate and is already finely balanced, and had been working to perfection for millions of years until we the human race decided to mess around with it, in an attempt to fix a problem that didn't need fixing. The same goes with pesticides that are killing millions of bees each year, when scientists say they can't explain the cause basically it means that they don't want to accept the blame for endangering our food supply. 

More importantly the reason why I am against test tube foods in the long run is simple, the human race has spend thousands of years learning how to make nature work for us. Now we are working against our own species, when does the insanity end?


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