Trying to answer a question on WHY?

Over the years there has been one question that many people always ask when it is reported in the news or elsewhere, that someone has decided to take their own life. The first reaction is typically, oh my god why did they do that?

Just like when Robin Williams very sadly took his own life a few years ago, many people around the world were asking this question...WHY?

Whilst some were asking the question why would someone do that? and others were trying to analyse why someone would do that...I on the other hand understood why. If you have never considered committing this final act then it would be difficult to to see let alone understand, why someone would even think of it.

Sometimes its just life in one shape or another becomes too much to bear and you start to think too much into things. You start to think and you see that perhaps all that has happened to you is due to your own actions...what you did, didn't do and things you wish you could relive. It can be as simple as where you are in your career or that the world would be seemingly better off without out you in it.

The very simple answer is all that all of these things can add up and lead a person into taking themselves out of the equation. I know a few people who have thought of doing this, they are actually some of my closest friends. I also know of a few people who have done this, however its never something that happens or takes place on the spur of the moment.

It is something that one considers for months or even years, the first time I considered taking my own life I was maybe 5 or 6 years of age. Perhaps this is something that is too real and cuts too close to the bone for many of you. I am not going to apologise for that as this is an issue that affects quite a few people around the world.

It all comes back to the old question, is it better to be selfish or selfless? I have always answered that question by stating that sometimes you have to selfish in order to be selfless.

Sometimes those who do commit what the Catholic Church and other religions consider to be one of the worst this I say nonsense!!!

The world will keep spinning regardless perhaps its time to stop pitying those who have decided to take their lives in to their own hands, to remove fate and destiny from the question and to take control of their own destiny.

To some it is considered to be perhaps the most selfish thing one can do, again I disagree for it is also the most selfless thing one can do. Will we ever know what goes on in each other minds? Will we ever see and feel how they do? No, in Japan when a family member, solider, politician has disgraced his family or lost their honour it is reclaimed by committing this final act.

Now this is by no means a way of glorifying the taking of ones own life it is just a means of seeking to understand why it is done and why people do it. Nor is it a cry for please don't reach out telling me the whole everything is OK, BS been there done that said it...because to you it might be but to that person it never is. This is in fact one if not the worst things that you can tell someone who is considering taking their own life.

This is because the very idea of taking ones life is never something that happens over night nor is it something that is thought of on the spur of the moment. This is something that one would have considered doing for many, many, many years in fact so saying things like that I am afraid means very little indeed.

Everyone makes mistakes and to err is human, but how many mistakes can one make in their life before they are actually allowed to say "Enough is Enough!!!" Enough pain, heartbreak, failure, mistakes etc. When can a man say that he is done with this life and doesn't want to continue on with it?

In a world today that is so full of hatred and anger when it seems that man is so desperate to show just how divisional it can be. With WW3 seemingly around the corner and the world seemingly going TITS UP, I personally don't think that anyone deep minded individual hasn't seen the current state of the world and where its heading. Looking at the path that we the human race have set our selves upon currently, due to our unquenchable thirst for wealth and power. This which has driven us to create needless wars that in turn have caused the death of countless thousands and displaced even more.

Again and again we ask WHY? In a world where more and more: if you don't pray to whatever deity you're told to pray to you are chastised and in some parts of the world killed if you don't comply, you can wear what you want so long as it fits in to what you're expected to wear, you can be who you want to be so long as that person fits into the status quo, you can love who you want to long as that of course fits in to peoples expectations and the status quo.

In a world where in order to gain respect you need to have a label you have to be defined and put in to a tic able box so that you can be defined. That and have some cool or weird label like Atheist, LGBTQIA (which I swear gets more letters added to it every year), Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or whatever does it really matter are we that primal are we that base that we have to put each other in a box with a label? Why can't the only label we need be John, Freddie, Chris, Alex, Jessica, Johanna, Elizabeth etc... why cannot our names be the only labels we need to go by. I have one other for you HUMAN BEING. Why can't we just be humans and accept and love each other for our differences and uniqueness's  all the things that make us special.

The old saying in the world of the blind the one eyed man is king, seems like most people these days in the world are deaf, dumb and blind. Look at what is happening, Donald Trump could become the most powerful man in the world next week for crying out loud. The leader of the Philippines is gunning down thousands of his own people for selling or buying drugs. The leader of Turkey is a certifiable mad man. Brexit was voted for and now one of the premises for the Brexit, was for the future of British people to be decided by British courts....a decision yesterday was taken from a British court stating that the Prime Minister couldn't enact article 50 without going through a Parliamentary procedure, and people are now complaining that these judges of the High Court were not stupid are people really? That should be the only question that we need to answer, to quote the Economist:

"We are not educated well enough to perform the necessary act of intelligently selecting our leaders"

So yes the world has gone tits up and seemingly as each day goes by more and more idiots and those who are unqualified are getting in to power. So for the deep thinker when they look at the world is it so hard to ask now why when the world is so fucked up it seems that we are only a matter of months away from WW3 going kicking off, that perhaps one would be open to the idea of going out under ones own terms. Before that person becoming a mere statistic in a war that is as pointless as any before it.


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