Warnings about people should be listened to

Through a cloud and haze has my mind as of late has my mind been as of late. It has been a while since I last felt the compulsion to write on this blog of mine. Today however a snake in the grass has compelled me to such an extent to express my self through words, before I my actions become what they will.

My thoughts and feelings miss placed, my loyalties questioned. Evidence has arisen of what I was informed of and my gut feelings have answered. A warning was issued to me through a friend close to ones heart, a stark warning of what was to come, a warning that I knew would come to fruition and yet those around me ignored it.

There are those in this world who say one thing and yet act in another entirely. This is the behaviour of a cancerous serpent, one which has no place in my company. One whose behaviour towards those closest to ones heart is unacceptable.

Being one of those whom has grown up with Asbergers Syndrome I can perfectly understand, that some people have trouble understanding social signals. I am one of those who also has struggled with this in the past which is why I have sympathy. But there is only a certain amount of lack of tact and decorum that one can take, before it pushes even the most sympathetic person over the edge of anger. 

Perhaps one could argue that I am being too harsh....but then again when anyone lies to you in your own apartment and just rocks up uninvited. This for me are lines that should never be crossed those who do such a thing are not worth the time of day.


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