Viewing the West having lived in the East

My second true experience of the Asian continent, and my first experience of a Chinese way of life. Even though Hong Kong is a mixture of Western and Eastern, it is in this melting pot where Extremes are created. 

On first arriving in Hong Kong, I was pleasantly welcomed by familiar sights, English style road signage, cars driving on the left and Uk style license plates. That was where the similarities to my native homeland ended. 

Hong Kong is one of the cities that I have found embodies what I like to call "Disciplined Insanity" on every level. 

Seeing Asia's ability to adapt and to evolve is as invigorating as it is depressing when I think of how the Uk has become and it's people for that matter on every level. A bunch of blind fools who cling on to past victories as if they happened yesterday, every closing line from an English man in an argument they can't win  is "Well we once controlled half the world". England no longer has an Empire it bent over and gave up it's empire a long time ago. 

Now look at the facts the English are the laziest nation in the world, and it's leaders are too weak to try and break up what has now become the status quo, this is seen in how the population of the Uk is now the most overweight in the EU. The rot has happened due to the inadequacies of its leaders, and it seems that there is no General on the horizon to stand up and tell this ONCE great nation how to do what must be done. England has become the abused Whore of Europe and every day it gets taken for a ride from its citizens. 

Why else is it that it's most skilled workers are departing for Asia, Germany, America. Those with the experience and skills needed to do what must be done and the desire to do so. Because they realise the state of play in the Uk is too dire to stay and they are greener shores else where. 


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